The Hiking Club

The Hiking Club both hikes and sneaks. We will describe our adventures in the most enlightening way possible.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cheeseburger Macaroni

Home from work one day, I watched Rachel Ray's show on tv. I don't particularly care for her, and especially not all the hype surrounding her, but I do like a few of her more fun, children-oriented recipes. A fav from the past is hotdogs wrapped in Pillsbury Crescent Rolls and baked for 20 minutes. You can wrap cheese in them, too, but the cheese kind of leaks out onto the pan. Not quite a kolache, but yummy, anyway.

During the most recently watched episode, she made Cheeseburger Macaroni. It's little meatballs in macaroni. But the meatballs are made with ketchup and mustard (and meat (turkey meat if you are me) and egg to bind)! They are like little mini burgers! You bake them for 10 minutes or until they're mostly done and then put them in with the macaroni casserole as usual and bake the whole thing for 20 minutes. It's brilliant, yummy, easy, and bad for you, of course. A special winter treat.


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